Wednesday, February 9, 2011

7 Months!

Abigail is getting to be such a big "girl!" She's moving all over the place now and talks to everyone. She is one of the most social babies I have ever met. If we're out in public and she hears people, but can't see them, she fake coughs or squeals until she gets their attention. She is also pretty good at getting around and getting to whatever she wants.

She has hit a growth spurt lately and is sleeping a lot more lately. She is now comfortably wearing 6-12 months, or 6-9 months clothes. Anything that is just 6 months size is a bit tight and has been packed up. She is a very healthy little baby and I always get comments about how "healthy looking" she is size wise. It makes us happy to know that she is developing and growing at such a great rate. She is a great little eater. We have yet to find something that she doesn't like.

She is sitting up all by herself (until she grabs for something behind her and then she just falls down). She is pretty good at rolling all over the place and then spinning in circles on her tummy until she gets where she wants. She loves my grandparent's dogs and tries to hold on to them anytime they're around.

She has been waking up in the middle of the night and talks to herself for about 15 minutes before falling back asleep. I usually find her peeking through the rails in her crib in the mornings looking for me to walk in the room. Her face lights up anytime she sees someone she recognizes coming near. She loves bath time and gets mad when we take her out and put her clothes back on her. She has some bath toys now that she loves and enjoys when she splashes herself. She loves her exersaucer and has enjoyed going on walks outside.

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