Thursday, July 21, 2011


Abby has brought so much joy to us this past year. We have loved having her around and really look forward to what this next year brings to us. 

At one year Abigail Milly: 

is standing by herself ... for a couple seconds. 

Crawls everywhere. And it's really funny to watch. Sometimes she crawls normally, but most of the time she crawls on her feet with her legs straight. It looks like a baboon or a spider. It's great. 

Climbs on everything. She can get to anything, just give her some time. I love how determined she is to get what she wants. I can tell when she is struggling to get somewhere b/c she starts squealing, but she usually figures it out. 

She is an eater. We have to order her her own plate of food whenever we go out to eat. She will sit in her high chair and "flirt" with other people in the restaurant, and shovel the food in her mouth. It's really attractive. (it did help us get a free t shirt for her at a restaurant in Scottsdale about 2 weeks ago. The owner thought it was so cute how she kept smiling at him, so he gave us a shirt for Abs. Awesome.)

She can say: mama, dada, baba. And we have heard her say: hi, no, bye bye...but only a couple times. I'm not sure she knew what she was saying yet. 

At her 1 yr check up she is in 90% for height 70% for weight and 35% for head circumference. 

Abs loves the water. She always dunks her face in the water. It's really cute when she does it in the tub b/c she dunks in the bubbles and it looks like she has a beard sometimes. Hilarious. 

She has thinned out a little bit since she started moving a lot more. I'm a little sad some of her rolls are gone, but she's still cute as ever. 

She transitioned over to whole milk fairly easy. It's so nice to not have to make formula bottles for her anymore. :) 

Here are a few of my favorite photos of Abs from our trip to Lake Powell. We got back the day before she turned 1. On her actual birthday, we had a little pool party and dinner with cupcakes with some of her cousins and other family members at my Grandparents. Pretty sure she loved the attention. :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

10 Months

I keep thinking there is no way Abby could get any faster ... then she proves me wrong. She has a couple different crawls and she is getting pretty quick. She can walk around furniture and loves to stand right next to me  and bang on the table or couch or whatever she's holding on to until I give her my full attention. She rewards us with cheesy smiles all day long. 

She is still a sleepy head. She likes to have 11-12 hours at night and 2 naps during the day. She woke up Tues moring at 8:50am and then took a nap from 10:30-1:40 and went down again at 4. I think I'd be smiling all day too if I could sleep that long and then have people play with me the whole time I'm awake. Not a bad life. 

Abby is an attention the cutest way. She is so good at smiling or making eye contact with everyone. I can always count on a couple people coming up to say hi to her at every grocery store, shopping mall, or park we are at. I'm not sure what she does while I am not looking to get people to notice her, but whatever it is, she is really good at it. 

The weather is starting to get warmer and we are often in the pool or outdoors. It's so fun to have a baby who loves the water and being outside. 

Here are a couple of pictures: 

 I love this smile! She does this all the time now when she sees the camera. It's the best.

Friday, April 15, 2011

9 Months

Abby's doctor commented on how tired she felt after watching Abby move around and try to get into everything ... I feel the same way, Doc. 

Here are her stats: 
Weight:  19 lbs 13 ozs         70%
Height:  28 3/4 inches    90%  
Head circumference:   43 1/2 cm     40%

Pretty neat. John and I smiled when she said her height was in the 90%. Could we possibly have a tall little girl? That would be pretty neat. Only time will tell. 

At 9 months Abby does not stop. Even in her sleep. She is always moving. She does not understand stranger danger. If you put your arms out to her, she will go to you with a big smile. However, she won't last long in the arms of someone she doesn't know, she won't cry, she will just act uninterested and want to go back to someone she knows or get put down so she can crawl around. She is a super fast army crawler. She can crawl hand and knee style, but prefers the army crawl ... I guess b/c it's faster. She can pull herself up on anything and I have watched (or found) her in a couple different boxes and baskets and now cupboards. She loves to go under tables or chairs or anything really. 

She is still the happiest little girl. She wakes up and talks to herself for awhile before I go and get her out of her crib. She always greets me with a huge smile. She takes 2 naps pretty much everyday and still sleeps about 12 hours every night. However, when she gets tired ... WATCH OUT!! She can turn so fast and have a melt down. They are few and far between, but you won't forget them! 

She fake coughs for attention and will stare or make noises at people until the look at her and talk to her. She "dances" to music and LOVES it when we sing to her. Abs has recently started courtesy laughing at people when she hears others laughing. She has the cutest laugh when we tickle her. Bath time is her favorite time of day. Loves to chew on wood (think chairs, table, cupboards...), purse or diaper bag straps, shoes, cords, remotes, and phones. I feel like I have to "baby proof" any room I walk into. (I hope people don't mind when I start picking up shoes and things as soon as we walk into their house.) 

She still has some of her rolls on her legs and her arms are still chubby. I can't get enough of her chubbiness. Her cheeks are perfect for kissing all day long and she loves that. She pretty much freezes when someone starts kissing her cheeks or playing with her ... then she smiles, and gives them the other cheek and keeps leaning in to them. She is SOOO playful! 

Abby lights up as soon as she hears or sees her Dad, yet I am proud to say that I am still her favorite. We feel so unbelievably lucky to have this little girl in our lives and can't wait to see what our future holds. 

We love you, Abigail Milly!! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crawling ... and random things

Abby has been crawling all over the place. She crawled under her exersaucer on Sunday and played there for a little while. Here are some pictures we took.

And here's a few more cute ones we took in February ... 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Almost 8 Months

I took this picture on Saturday while we were babysitting my 4 little cousins. She's such a doll!

Abs just started her army crawl about a week ago...and gets faster and faster every day.

Also, we have our court date for finalization! It's May 11. Pretty exciting stuff happening.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

7 Months!

Abigail is getting to be such a big "girl!" She's moving all over the place now and talks to everyone. She is one of the most social babies I have ever met. If we're out in public and she hears people, but can't see them, she fake coughs or squeals until she gets their attention. She is also pretty good at getting around and getting to whatever she wants.

She has hit a growth spurt lately and is sleeping a lot more lately. She is now comfortably wearing 6-12 months, or 6-9 months clothes. Anything that is just 6 months size is a bit tight and has been packed up. She is a very healthy little baby and I always get comments about how "healthy looking" she is size wise. It makes us happy to know that she is developing and growing at such a great rate. She is a great little eater. We have yet to find something that she doesn't like.

She is sitting up all by herself (until she grabs for something behind her and then she just falls down). She is pretty good at rolling all over the place and then spinning in circles on her tummy until she gets where she wants. She loves my grandparent's dogs and tries to hold on to them anytime they're around.

She has been waking up in the middle of the night and talks to herself for about 15 minutes before falling back asleep. I usually find her peeking through the rails in her crib in the mornings looking for me to walk in the room. Her face lights up anytime she sees someone she recognizes coming near. She loves bath time and gets mad when we take her out and put her clothes back on her. She has some bath toys now that she loves and enjoys when she splashes herself. She loves her exersaucer and has enjoyed going on walks outside.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

6 Months

At her 6 month appt (which was about 4 days after she turned 6 months...this post is slightly late. Sorry)

17 lbs 8 ozs.  80%
26" long   60%
42cm head circumference  45%  

Abby would roll over multiple times in a row ... but not that often. She prefers to go in circles. She talks to anyone who will listen to her, and if you're not listening, then she'll just squeal until she gets somebody's attention. 

She loves her veggies. Sweet potatoes are her favorite. She's a pretty good little eater. Her pediatrician was very impressed with her temperament and with how well she has grown and developed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Here are a couple pictures we took yesterday of Abs when she turned 6 months old. We go to the Doctor on Thursday for her well check and we're pretty excited to get an update on height and weight!!