Tuesday, November 23, 2010

4 Months

We took Abs to the Doctor last week for her 4 month check up. Here are the stats: 

 15 lbs 8 ozs.        25" long       40.5 cm head circumference 
75-90% weight    90% height  and  25% head circumference

The good Doc said that she looks very healthy and is pleased with her "performance." (she kept smiling at him). This was the first time I have met with this particular Doctor and I think he's a winner. I really liked him. He has officially become Abby's new Pediatrician here in Phoenix. He told us we can start feeding her now if we'd like...or anytime between now and 6 months we can start her on rice cereal and then move on to the veggies. 

Abby found her feet the other day and holds on to them all the time now. She's also chewing on EVERYTHING. My grandpa had a good laugh today while she kept trying to chew on his finger and he kept pulling it away. She loves to be around people and have them talk to her. Her own voice and reflection from the mirror on her playmat have become her new best friend. She talks to herself all the time now. We love it ... until she discovers her little squeal while in Sacrament. :)  

Monday, November 15, 2010


John came home between work and basketball practice (he's a coach at Thunderbird High School) for about 20 minutes. He jumped in the shower and I noticed she was about to roll over. I had him come out real quick and we both watched as she rolled over. It was pretty exciting!  I started clapping and jumping up and down (I think I may have scared her briefly) and John said, "this is so exciting! It's like Christmas!" 
She has been pretty close to rolling for awhile now, so it was pretty fun to watch her accomplish that task. It didn't take long for her to realize being on her tummy wasn't as exciting as her back where she could see everything. However, she rolled again later tonight. Good times. 

I took a couple of pictures but you can't really tell what just happened. I'll try to get better ones of  her mid roll and rolled over later and post those when I get them. 

Monday, November 8, 2010


Here are a couple pictures from Halloween 2010.

We were in Phoenix this year ... the weather was perfect! We had dinner with some family and friends in the ward and then walked around to visit Grandparents and neighbors and show off Abs. She was a hit! Her first Halloween was pretty fun, but we are SO excited for next Halloween when she can understand it a little more.