Tuesday, May 17, 2011

10 Months

I keep thinking there is no way Abby could get any faster ... then she proves me wrong. She has a couple different crawls and she is getting pretty quick. She can walk around furniture and loves to stand right next to me  and bang on the table or couch or whatever she's holding on to until I give her my full attention. She rewards us with cheesy smiles all day long. 

She is still a sleepy head. She likes to have 11-12 hours at night and 2 naps during the day. She woke up Tues moring at 8:50am and then took a nap from 10:30-1:40 and went down again at 4. I think I'd be smiling all day too if I could sleep that long and then have people play with me the whole time I'm awake. Not a bad life. 

Abby is an attention hog...in the cutest way. She is so good at smiling or making eye contact with everyone. I can always count on a couple people coming up to say hi to her at every grocery store, shopping mall, or park we are at. I'm not sure what she does while I am not looking to get people to notice her, but whatever it is, she is really good at it. 

The weather is starting to get warmer and we are often in the pool or outdoors. It's so fun to have a baby who loves the water and being outside. 

Here are a couple of pictures: 

 I love this smile! She does this all the time now when she sees the camera. It's the best.