Thursday, July 21, 2011


Abby has brought so much joy to us this past year. We have loved having her around and really look forward to what this next year brings to us. 

At one year Abigail Milly: 

is standing by herself ... for a couple seconds. 

Crawls everywhere. And it's really funny to watch. Sometimes she crawls normally, but most of the time she crawls on her feet with her legs straight. It looks like a baboon or a spider. It's great. 

Climbs on everything. She can get to anything, just give her some time. I love how determined she is to get what she wants. I can tell when she is struggling to get somewhere b/c she starts squealing, but she usually figures it out. 

She is an eater. We have to order her her own plate of food whenever we go out to eat. She will sit in her high chair and "flirt" with other people in the restaurant, and shovel the food in her mouth. It's really attractive. (it did help us get a free t shirt for her at a restaurant in Scottsdale about 2 weeks ago. The owner thought it was so cute how she kept smiling at him, so he gave us a shirt for Abs. Awesome.)

She can say: mama, dada, baba. And we have heard her say: hi, no, bye bye...but only a couple times. I'm not sure she knew what she was saying yet. 

At her 1 yr check up she is in 90% for height 70% for weight and 35% for head circumference. 

Abs loves the water. She always dunks her face in the water. It's really cute when she does it in the tub b/c she dunks in the bubbles and it looks like she has a beard sometimes. Hilarious. 

She has thinned out a little bit since she started moving a lot more. I'm a little sad some of her rolls are gone, but she's still cute as ever. 

She transitioned over to whole milk fairly easy. It's so nice to not have to make formula bottles for her anymore. :) 

Here are a few of my favorite photos of Abs from our trip to Lake Powell. We got back the day before she turned 1. On her actual birthday, we had a little pool party and dinner with cupcakes with some of her cousins and other family members at my Grandparents. Pretty sure she loved the attention. :)