Friday, April 15, 2011

9 Months

Abby's doctor commented on how tired she felt after watching Abby move around and try to get into everything ... I feel the same way, Doc. 

Here are her stats: 
Weight:  19 lbs 13 ozs         70%
Height:  28 3/4 inches    90%  
Head circumference:   43 1/2 cm     40%

Pretty neat. John and I smiled when she said her height was in the 90%. Could we possibly have a tall little girl? That would be pretty neat. Only time will tell. 

At 9 months Abby does not stop. Even in her sleep. She is always moving. She does not understand stranger danger. If you put your arms out to her, she will go to you with a big smile. However, she won't last long in the arms of someone she doesn't know, she won't cry, she will just act uninterested and want to go back to someone she knows or get put down so she can crawl around. She is a super fast army crawler. She can crawl hand and knee style, but prefers the army crawl ... I guess b/c it's faster. She can pull herself up on anything and I have watched (or found) her in a couple different boxes and baskets and now cupboards. She loves to go under tables or chairs or anything really. 

She is still the happiest little girl. She wakes up and talks to herself for awhile before I go and get her out of her crib. She always greets me with a huge smile. She takes 2 naps pretty much everyday and still sleeps about 12 hours every night. However, when she gets tired ... WATCH OUT!! She can turn so fast and have a melt down. They are few and far between, but you won't forget them! 

She fake coughs for attention and will stare or make noises at people until the look at her and talk to her. She "dances" to music and LOVES it when we sing to her. Abs has recently started courtesy laughing at people when she hears others laughing. She has the cutest laugh when we tickle her. Bath time is her favorite time of day. Loves to chew on wood (think chairs, table, cupboards...), purse or diaper bag straps, shoes, cords, remotes, and phones. I feel like I have to "baby proof" any room I walk into. (I hope people don't mind when I start picking up shoes and things as soon as we walk into their house.) 

She still has some of her rolls on her legs and her arms are still chubby. I can't get enough of her chubbiness. Her cheeks are perfect for kissing all day long and she loves that. She pretty much freezes when someone starts kissing her cheeks or playing with her ... then she smiles, and gives them the other cheek and keeps leaning in to them. She is SOOO playful! 

Abby lights up as soon as she hears or sees her Dad, yet I am proud to say that I am still her favorite. We feel so unbelievably lucky to have this little girl in our lives and can't wait to see what our future holds. 

We love you, Abigail Milly!!